You are seen

“My grace is sufficient for you,

for my strength is made perfect in weakness.”

2 Corinthians 12:9 NKJV

Mama, I know you’re tired.


You’ve spent your day tending to souls and mending hearts

But not your own.


Yours feel run down,


Broken and



Your gas light has been lit for what seems like a lifetime,

But it somehow never actually runs out.

You continue to give out of your fuel reserve,

All the while feeling as though there will never be enough for you.


You constantly feel anxious,


Slow and

Still unseen.


Your body lifts things and others all day long.

Your aching back tells a tale of a lonely pain.

Your feet feel as though they have been wandering without cause,

And your eyes run dryer with each passing day.


You feel exhausted,


Defeated and

Still unseen.


But mama, His grace is sufficient.

In your weakness, you will see His hand.


Mama, your own heart and soul are being made whole by His love.

See, they’ve been etched in His palm,

And they tell the story of your purest and deepest sacrifice.


Mama, your fuel tank seems to be never-ending

Because our Lord continues to use your ‘empty’ for more.

Your weariness speaks of a remarkable and selfless love.


Mama, your body seems broken, but it will never falter

While He continues to lift you up by His strength.

Your aches and pain sing of a life being laid down.


You are being cared for and nurtured by your grace

Even though it seems you’ve been left behind.

For your see, in your deepest pits of hurt

His love is made perfect in you.


You are loved.

You are whole.

You are perfect.

And more importantly,

You are seen.


Diary of a doctor-mum


Letter to my daughter