
Just my muddled thoughts on paper

…but at times the writing isn’t legible because, you know, doctor writing and mum brain

Recent Blog Posts

Motherhood comes with seemingly unbearable struggles. But still, God allows flowers to blossom from their wreckage. We just need to find their garden…

Mama, I See You: Finding Glimmers of Hope in the Trenches of Motherhood

This book is for all the mothers out there who are trying hard to leave their mark in this world. We strive to set the perfect footprint in the sand, wishing the waves will never wash it away. But what we need to start doing is making this life become a seal of love on the hearts of everyone we meet and allowing our choices and experiences to hum a melody of gratitude to our Maker.

Motherhood comes with seemingly unbearable struggles, but God allows flowers to blossom from their wreckage.

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Prayer Journal - ebook

30-day prayer journal written and created for you to find balance and purpose in life’s daily grind. Designed as a daily reflective journal to accompany your scriptural readings, allowing you to fully embrace who you were called to be.